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Play By Post

While the Probably Entertainment Patented Random Number Generator (PEPRING) is amazing (AMAZING) on its own, this is where you can utilize it's amazosity with other people ONLINE! 

It's simple--just create a new post, use the PEPRNG to select your Pal or create a scenario for Sad, Sad Stories, and then get a friend to play with you.  Or wait for some random to play--that works too!  Or start a game AND respond to another person's game and make FRIENDS. 


(I'm still figuring out what is real and what is internet)

Point being, play some games!  We've got the Pals PEPRNG right here, along with the character sheet for your reference.  Just below that, we've got the SSS PEPRING, so get to it!  

Pals Generator

For Pals, simply use the PEPRNG to select your Pal, and then post your first question.  Save your pal's picture, and name the pic the same thing as the game title--that way you won't get confused if you're playing multiple games!  Also, save the above reference sheet to your device and cross out the fools who aren't your opponent's Pal (MS Paint is great for this).  Take turns asking questions until you're down to the last loser who could possibly be your opponent's pal, and then start another game!  

Keep playing FOREVER.

Sad, Sad Stories Generator

Sad, Sad Stories is just a touch more complicated, as our forums won't let people post pictures (although if we figure out a work-around, we'll implement it crazy fast).  For now, players can use the PEPRNG to generate a SSS scenario, and then follow these easy steps:

1. Right click on the sad, sad image,

2. Select "Copy image location" for Firefox or "Copy image URL" for Chrome, *  **

3) And paste the link into your post (Ctrl + V for all you pros)!  Then all everyone has to do is copy + paste (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, playa!) that into their address bar and follow it through to the image. 

It's a bit wonky, we admit, but this is what happens when we don't create the software ourselves.  All told, it's relatively painless, and compared to the hassle of getting a bunch of friends all in the same place to play?  It's pancakes. 

As for the pace of the game, it's up to you--specify the length of time you'll wait for new answers in your post (at least a couple hours), and then pick a winner at the end of it.  Then either keep running the game yourself, or pass control over to the person who won that round.  If someone's slacking on their round-running duties, feel free to take over--or start your own game and make everyone love you for your promptness. 

Finally, all this play-by-post stuff has been moved to our dedicated Forums page! Check it out at the Probably Entertainment forums. Play our games in the Play By post subforum, talk about our games in general in the Games subforum, and talk about whatever in the Bullshit subforum.