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At Probably Entertainment, we don't only make games. 

We write random bullshit and create awesome bullshit.  We'll post it all here for your enjoyment, so let us know what you like--we'll make more of it if you tell us to! 


Entries in Paint (2)


Dabbling in Daubing part deux

I promised more paintings--here they are!  

This was the first guy I was pretty happy about.  Fire, sure--I'd figured some things out.  Here, I felt like I had a real handle on what I was doing:

Some close ups:


And then I painted this guy.  Ehhh?  I got some yellow paint and tried a few things.  It's definitely not my favorite: 

More fire!  It's fun to paint:

 And then I painted a close-up of some oatmeal cream pies.  Because of all the things I've found inspire me, it's butter.  


And I'm still toying with all of you, because my favorites are still forthcoming.  The response to these has been great--I can't thank you guys enough.  I plan on breaking out the brushes again in a little while.  Pictures, it turns out, are easier to digest than words.  Who knew?  


Dabbling in daubing

I feel vaguely obligated to prove that we actually did stuff for the last year+ of lacking updates.  And you can't spell "Probably Entertainment" without "art paint bleemenort," so I bought some supplies and did just that.  

Something something I clearly don't have professional photographical equipment.  At some point, you'll see that I took the pictures on my stove because my kitchen has the least terrible lighting.  I still consider these works in progress, but no one can tell either way, so here ya go.  

These go in roughly chronological order, and except where obvious, are representative of absolutely nothing.  


Why's the tree sideways?  Yeah.  It was supposed to just be branches, and I got a little carried away.  I have ideas for this, but haven't implemented them yet.  





Or maybe this doesn't indicate to you that I spent much time creating in 2014.  Fine, dick.  They got better.  I'll show those another time.